About Us

ASAP-Aquarium.com stocks high quality aquarium products and we specialize in reef aquarium products.

We carefully select the premium aquatics products that we sell with the goal that you will enjoy success with the items you purchase from our store. We try our best to keep our prices low while keeping our customer service first rate.

ASAP Aquarium brings you all of the premium supplies you need to create your own authentic saltwater aquarium. Select from our top quality tanks, lights, filters and reef accessories to transform an empty space in your home into a saltwater seascape with the natural components of an actual marine habitat.

Based in Los Angeles (the epicenter of the marine aquarium hobby in the United States), we carry the supplies you need from the most trusted manufacturers for establishing, maintaining and enjoying your dream of a saltwater aquarium. From algae management to titanium heaters, our catalog covers the entire spectrum of tools and equipment essential to building and maintaining a real saltwater marine environment.

We stock products from the industry’s most trusted manufacturers, such as Tropic Marin, Sera, Brightwell Aquatics, Continuum, Aqueon, Coralife, Seachem, API and Kent Marine. ASAP Aquarium is committed to providing you, our valued customer, with the best marine aquarium supplies for sale at the lowest price possible.


Located in the greater Los Angeles area, we are in close proximity to many aquarium product manufacturers and live stock importers. Our mailing address is:


ASAP Aquarium Office Building

ASAP Aquarium

20058 Ventura Blvd. #168
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

We do not offer local pick ups or drop offs.


Please Email us at info@asap-aquarium.com with any questions you have.


Shipping is FREE in the USA unless otherwise noted (includes Hawaii, Alaska, U.S. Protectorates, Puerto Rico and ALL U.S. Military addresses - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE). International shipping rates are calculated based on the weight of the total items ordered and the location the order is shipping to.


Customers in the EU pay shipping costs from USA to EU (calculated at time of checkout). Additionally EU customers may be subject to VAT, duties, and EU fees upon delivery of order. To prevent any delays with your delivery, please be sure to include your phone number and email address when checking out.


For help with warranty support, we recommend that you contact your product's manufacturer. Below is a list of contact information for the manufacturers whose product we stock.

Manufacturer Contact Information
American Marine http://americanmarineusa.com/
API http://www.apifishcare.com/help-resource-center.php
Aqua Medic http://www.aqua-medic.com/contact/
Aqua Top http://www.aquatop.com/
Boyd http://chemi-pure.com/
Brightwell Aquatics http://brightwellaquatics.com/support/
Caribsea http://www.caribsea.com/index.html
Continuum http://www.continuumaquatics.com/support.php
Coralife http://www.coralifeproducts.com/contact/
CoralRX http://www.coralrx.com/
Eheim http://www.eheimna.com/contents/contactus
Elos http://www.elosaquariums.com/contact/
Eshopps http://www.eshopps.com/contact/
Hanna Instruments http://hannainst.com/usa/warrantty.cfm
Hydor http://www.hydor.com/eng/contatti.php
JBJ http://www.jbjlighting.com/warranty.html
Kent Marine http://www.kentmarine.com/support/index.htm
Kessil http://kessil.com/about/support.php
Lifegard http://www.lifegardaquatics.com/warranty/
Mag-Float http://www.magfloat.net/
Seachem http://www.seachem.com/support/Support.html
Two Little Fishies http://www.twolittlefishies.com/tlf_contact.html?lang_id=1
Via Aqua http://www.viaaquaoceanpure.com/main/contact_us.html