LED Lights

Saltwater and Reef Aquarium LED Lighting

A well-lit saltwater aquarium lets you observe the development of your marine environment more closely, allowing you to fine-tune your seascape on an ongoing basis. We carry a full spectrum of top quality, premium reef aquarium LED lighting in a range of prices for both the casual hobbyist and serious marine and reef aquarist.

Our selection of state-of-the-art Kessil Dense Matrix LED lights provide bright, full-spectrum light that coral thrives on while saving significantly on power consumption. These low power consumption and low-temperature LED lights are ideal for your marine and reef aquarium, providing the equivalent of up to 170 Watts that deliver shimmer lines that rival metal halide illumination. The Kessil E-Series spots feature 90 watts of LED full-spectrum light in a dimmable, wide-angle format that won’t affect your water temperature.
