News — Friday Fish Facts
Friday Fish Facts - The Emperor Angelfish

The Emperor Angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) is perhaps one of the most widely recognized saltwater and marine aquarium fish because of it's vibrant and dazzling coloration. The Emperor Angelfish hails from the Indo-Pacific region and can grow to a maximum size of 15" inches, however most in the aquarium hobby tend to be between 4" inches - 8" inches.... (READ MORE)
- Tags: Emperor Angel Fish, Emperor Angelfish, Friday Fish Facts, Imperator Angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator
Friday Fish Facts - The Zebra Dart Goby

The Zebra Dart Goby (Ptereleotris zebra) is also known as the Zebra Dartfish, the Barred Dartfish or the Bar Goby. It hails from the Indo-West Pacific region and can grow to a maximum length of 4.5" inches, however most of the Zebra Dart Gobies you will find in the aquarium hobby will tend to be between 2" to 3" inches in length....(READ MORE)
- Tags: Bar Goby, Barred Dartfish, Friday Fish Facts, Ptereleotris zebra, Zebra Dart Goby, Zebra Dartfish
Friday Fish Facts - The Exquisite Fairy Wrasse

The Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus) is an excellent reef aquarium fish that flashes metallic blue when displaying, and sports a dramatic color spectrum. Hailing from the Indo West Pacific regions, the Exquisite Fairy Wrasse can grow to a maximum length of 5 inches, however in the aquarium hobby most tend to range between 2.5 to 3.5 inches. The minimum recommended aquarium size for this fish is 55 gallons.... (READ MORE).
Friday Fish Facts - The Coral Beauty

The Coral Beauty (Twospined Angelfish, Dusky Angelfish, Centropyge bispinosus) is a favorite among reef keepers because they have vivid coloration and they are just about the only angelfish that will most likely not eat corals and invertebrates. They are readily available and fairly inexpensive. The vibrant, radiating orange to purple signature coloration, combined with the cost to enjoyment ratio of the Coral Beauty is hard to match.... (READ MORE).
- Tags: Angel Fish, Centropyge bispinosus, Coral Beauty, Dusky Angelfish, Friday Fish Facts, Two Spined Angel Fish, Twospined Angelfish
Friday Fish Facts - The Picasso Trigger Fish

The Picasso Trigger Fish (Huma huma nuka nuka apua a, Rhinecanthus aculeatus) is perhaps one of the most easily recognized saltwater aquarium fishes in the hobby due to it being very hardy, relatively inexpensive, having distinct vivid coloration on the head (similar in appearance to the David Bowie character Ziggy Stardust / Aladdin Sane), and wide brown and white angled strips on the body. The Picasso Trigger has a an aggressive and quirky personality, and should be kept in... (READ MORE)
- Tags: Aquarium Fish Info, Fish Facts, Fish Info, Friday Fish Facts, Huma huma nuka nuka apua a, Humu Humu Trigger, Picasso Trigger, Picasso Trigger FIsh, Rhinecanthus aculeatus, Saltwater Aquarium Fish, Trigger Fish