Tuesday Tech Tips - How To Maximize Water Flow in an Aquarium

Water flow in a marine and reef aquarium is essential to the health of your corals and livestock, and it is necessary to ensure your filtration works properly in overflow systems. Here's a few quick tech tips to make sure you water keeps flowing.... (READ MORE)
How to Control Algae in a Saltwater Aquarium
I know we've covered this topic many times, but algae in the marine aquarium is such a persistent problem, that this bears repeating. Some of it is good, while others can become a real problem if left unchecked. To help keep your algae under control, today we will look at how to control algae in a saltwater aquarium.... (READ MORE)
- タグ: Algae, Algae Control, How to get rid of hair algae, how to increase purple algae, How to lower nitrates, how to lower phosphates
Sunday Invertebrates - Chromodorid Sea Slug

Chromodorid Sea Slugs (Chromodoris spp.) also known as Nudibranchs, are one of the most diverse species of sea slugs with over 2,000 known variations of different colors and shapes. Feeding mostly on live sponges, the Nudibranch is not recommended for reef aquariums due to the lack of proper diet available in captivity.... (READ MORE)
- タグ: Chromodorid, Nudibranch, Sea Slug
List of Frag Swaps & Aquarium Expos 2016

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2018 FRAG SWAP LIST!!! Below is list of the Frag Swaps and Aquarium Expos for 2016. Please book mark this page and check back regularly for show updates and new show additions. If you are hosting a frag swap or aquarium expo and would like to have it listed here, please email us your show information. Be sure to include the date, city and state, name of the show and a link to a webpage or social media page. Below the list you will find a Frag Swap FAQ. CHECK OUT OUR DAILY DEALS! UPDATED 02/22/2016...
- タグ: 2016 Frag Swap, 2016 Frag Swap List, 2016 Frag Swaps, Coral Farmer's Market, Desert Frag Fest, Desert Frag Fest 2016, Frag Swap, Frag Swap List, Frag Swaps, List Of Frag Swaps, MACNA 2016, Marine Aquarium Expo, MAX Marine Aquarium Expo, Reef Stock, Reef-a-palooza, Reef-A-Palooza 2016, Reef-A-Palooza Costa Mesa, Reef-A-Palooza Florida, Reef-A-Palooza L.A., Reef-A-Palooza Los Angeles, Reef-A-Palooza New Jersey, Reef-A-Palooza New York, Reef-A-Palooza Orange County, Reef-A-Palooza Orlando, Reefapalooza, Reefstock, Reefstock 2016
ICYMI - Weekly Roundup of Reef & Aquarium News Around the Web 03.05.16

In case you missed it, here's a roundup of this week's ocean, reef & aquarium news from around the web.....(READ MORE)
- タグ: Andaman Sea Life, Bio Cubes, Calypso, Coral Bleaching, Fear The Kraken, Lionfish, Reef and Rave, Tomato Clownfish