ICYMI - Weekly Roundup of Reef & Aquarium News Around the Web 02.20.16

In case you missed it, here's a roundup of this week's ocean, reef & aquarium news from around the web.....

Otter PupThe Shedd Aquarium in Chicago saves a cute Sea Otter Pup. You can read about the otter's plight here.

Moby DickWhale watchers in Australia were reminded how Moby Dick ended when they had a close encounter with some humpbacks. 

Manta RayIf you ever wanted to spend 6 months in the Galapagos researching Manta Rays, then get over to the Manta Trust website and sign up now!

Fish Have FeelingsAccording to Science, fish have feelings too! It looks like Curt Cobain was wrong about this one. Sorry Vegans, but fish are off the menu now!

burning moneyBreaking news from Reef Builders... Reef Aquariums and SCUBA Diving are two of the most expensive hobbies you can have!

All Reefstock 2016kidding aside, Reef Builders is hosting Reef Stock 2016 next weekend. If you are in Denver, go check it out! Mindstream is promising they will have something to show us....

Learn all about Indonesia Coral FarmingIndonesian coral propagation and collection rules and what happens to people that break them!

Coral Oahu Coral FraggingMagazine has a great article on coral restoration in Oahu, Hawaii.

While you are at the Coral Coral Magazine Back IssuesMagazine website, you can also now order classic back issues to complete your library.

Lastly, MASNAMASNA has some Board of Directors positions open for 2016. If you are interested in volunteering, apply here.

That's it for this week's round up! If you have an article you would like to submit, please email us! Also, be sure to check our blog every day for new articles. Happy reefing and enjoy your weekend!
