ICYMI - Weekly Roundup of Reef & Aquarium News Around the Web 03.12.16

Posted by Matt Buschbacher on

In case you missed it, here's a roundup of this week's ocean, reef & aquarium news from around the web.....

ConShelf IIEver wonder what an underwater sea lab looks like after being submerged for over 50 years? Take a look at this write up about the ConShelf projects to find out.

yellow tangsHistory making captive bred Yellow Tangs from the Oceanic Institute of Hawaii Pacific University made their debut this week at the Global Pet Expo 2106 in Florida this week, raising concerns about HLLE and hobby trade viability.

Angel SharkThe SCUBA Diver Girls were in Southern California this week and saw some Angel Sharks in La Jolla.... check it out!

Sargassum problemSpeaking of So. Cal. the NOAA unleashed the "Super Sucker" off Catalina Island this week in an attempt to control the Sargassum problem.

DIY Salt Water Mixing StationFor all you DIY'ers looking for a weekend project, our friends at Bayou Reefkeeping posted a step by step How To Build a DIY Salt Water Mixing Station using a Brute trashcan.

Bob FennerBob Fenner has been announced as a speaker at the MAX Expo. If you are in the Costa Mesa, CA area on Sunday, April 3rd, get over there and see his presentation!

Fish Bowl On DriftwoodTake a look at this if you are a fan of unique fish tanks. The one pictured here may be available for purchase at ASAP-Aquarium.com soon, check back or send a message if interested.

Casper OctopusSubmitted for your approval, this daily dose of cute. The octopod Casper. You can learn more about this exciting new species here.

Microscope coralsIf you've ever wondered if it is possible to grow coral on microscopic slides, then ponder no more!

WonderpusAnd we round out this weeks stories with this lighthearted read from Jay Hemdal about fish names, their use, misuse and diverse meanings. Before you send any emails, we know this is a Wonderpus Octopus, but read on and you'll get it!

That's it for this week, keep reefing and be sure to check out our Spring Cleaning FLASH SALE that ends on Sunday 03.13.16 at Midnight!

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